Story 5
Main Characters 5
Tate McGillicutty 5
Basic Conversation 5
Hexecutioner Jones-MacDuff 13
Basic Conversation 13
Laila Velasquez 18
Basic Conversation 18
Juno Ju-On 26
Basic Conversation 26
Secondary Characters 36
Headless Horsemike 36
Basic Conversation 36
Sawyer Ferguson 41
Dean Whatsisname 41
Kelly 41
Bursar Killington 41
Dr. Steinfurter 41
Other Students 42
Covington Footballington 42
Ashleigh Summers 42
Other Sorority Girls at Rich Girl Sorority 43
Main Quest 43
Something's Afoot 43
Barn Murder 44
Convos 45
Tate's Film 46
Cutscene 46
Convos 48
Saw Trap 48
Cutscene 49
Advancement 50
Phase 0 Let's Talk Cutscene 50
A Meeting of the Minds 50
Setting the Trap 51
(People Start Dying) 51
The Big Dance 51
Contextual Chats 51
Asking Out 52
The Dance 52
Chatting 53
The Investigation 53
Clue #1: Empty Carrie Bucket 53
Clue #2 53
Clue #3 53
Clue #4 53
Clue #5 53
Prom King/Queen 53
Voting 53
Hexecutioner 54
Juno 54
Tate 54
Sawyer 55
Horsemike 55
Ashleigh 55
Covington 55
Results 55
The First Murder 56
The Crowning Cutscene 56
Leaving the Prom 56
Success State Cutscenes 56
Fail State Cutscenes 57
Character Specific Cutscenes 57
Hex 57
Juno 57
Laila 58
If Mystery Solved 58
If Mystery Not Solved 58
Tate 59
If crowned Prom King 59
If NOT crowned Prom King 60
The School Play 61
Casting 62
The Second Murder 62
All Murders 62
A Third Thing 62
Initiate 62
Into the Sewers 62
Final Battle 63
Graduation 63
Things that Affect the Graduation Scene 63
Class Cutscenes 63
Hallway Chasing 63
1. Intro to Class w/ Hex lamenting 63
Forest Classroom (Survival) 64
1. [] 64
Film 64
1. Intro to Class w/ Tate & Juno present 64
2. Walk in on Student Film (with either character w/ the highest Points) 64
Necromancy (Demon Summoning Classroom) 64
1. Intro to Class w/ player summoning the demon 64
Story Events (Misc) 64
Tate Lives at DIK: A Tragedy 64
Systems 65
Player Variables 65
Day/Night 66
Campus Fame 66
Calculated By: 66
Characters (Systems) 66
General Advancement/Framework 66
Basic Character Tier Chat 67
Special Actions 67
Hanging Out 67
Tate McGillicutty 67
Story/Stat Basics 68
Advancing through the Tate Romance 68
Being Walked Home 68
Tate Dates 69
Tate Sexytime 69
e[TateSex] 69
TateHyde 69
Asking Out 70
Tate 70
Romance Storyline: Big Bad Wolf 70
Laila Velasquez 71
Story/Stat Basics 71
Asking Out 71
Laila 71
Romance Storyline: Romancing the Brimstone 71
Hexecutioner Jones-MacDuff 71
Story/Stat Basics 72
Extra Layer: BDSM Hex 72
Asking Out 72
Hexecutioner 72
Romance Storyline: Meet the Parents 72
Juno Ju-On 73
Story/Stat Basics 73
Asking Out 73
Juno 73
Romance Storyline: Home is Where the Heart Stops 74
Bonus Interactable/Hidden Content Romanceable Characters: 74
Headless Horsemike 74
Sawyer Ferguson 75
[Cap of the Football Team] 75
Breakup Level 75
Reactive World Stuff 75
Convenience Store 76
Quests 76
Night Orbs 76
TateHyde 76
Food Delivery 76
Tate's Shrooms 76
Special Items 76
Armor 77
DIK Tank Top 77
Cultist Robe 77
Game Variable
Important for Scripting
Main Characters

Tate McGillicutty
Tate is an A/V nerd with a nervous demeanor and a daaaaark secret. How dark? Let's find out! (He has an Eldritch horror living inside him, Jekyll/Hyde style, hell-bent on destroying the world, which Tate has a strained relationship with).
- Major: A/V
- Year: Junior
- Age: 25
- Parents: He doesn't like to talk about them, but his dad seems like a huge piece of shit
Basic Conversation
- Fave movies
- How's school going?
- What's the weirdest thing you've ever done? (dynamic)
- What's the most fucked up thing you've ever done? (dynamic)
- Have you ever dated anyone before? [IMPLEMENTED]
- Uhm.
- ...No.
- Not really. No.
- Why?
- Have you ever fallen for anyone?
- Well, yeah.
- I mean. I'm going to be honest, it used to happen a lot more than it does now.
- Living in this sick sad world really makes you like people a lot less.
- Does it make you like me less?
- I appreciate your flirting, \s[1]. I really do.
- But I'm not sure I can regain my hope in humanity just because you think I'm cute.
- [-1 TatePoints]
- <Tate smirks, but a bit exasperatedly.>
- You're doing it again!
- ...Do you always try to bring the conversation back to you?
- ...Shit. Fuck. That was mean.
- Sorry.
- I just - I just don't think I could ever like someone enough to make up for the rest of the world.
- Fair enough. It's harder than that.
- [+1 TatePoints]
- Don't get me wrong. I, uh.
- I like that you like that I, uh. Like you.
- I mean.
- I like that you try.
- To restore my faith in humanity.
- I respect that.
- A lot.
- I don't think people are as bad as you think.
- [-2 Tate affinity]
- <Tate snorts.>
- Sure.
- [if affinity less than 0] You WOULD say that.
- I think I've had very different interactions with, uh, people than you have.
- I don't think so. I've been treated pretty shit before.
- And you DON'T feel like the world is a dumpster fire full of dumpster fire people?
And you still have faith in humanity?
How do you do it?
...Why not? I mean, I got one of those mythical optimists here, I might as well ask.
- <Tate smiles sadly.>
- <He looks up at you.>
- Not everyone.
- I think everyone has the capacity to be better.
- <Tate smiles sadly.>
- You have a lot of faith in people.
- The good people make things okay, when they're there.
- <Tate smiles sadly.>
- When they're there.
- I guess so. People have been all right to me.
- You're lucky.
- I don't know what makes people not-be-all-right to me.
- It's an eternal mystery, I guess.
- Sometimes people say my attitude doesn't fucking help, but they can take a long fucking walk off a short fucking pier.
- Yeah... I can see your point.
- [+2 Tate affinity]
- <Tate sighs.>
- You do?
- [if affinity less than 0+2] ...I guess I was kinda hoping you'd talk me out of it.
- ...I don't know if I WANT to lose all my faith in humanity.
- To be honest.
- I don't... know if I want the life sucked out of me that way.
- ...
- ...How do you deal with it?
- The existential sadness, I mean?
- <Tate sighs again.>
- You and me both, huh?
- <He smiles sadly.>
- I just try to power through it.
- Doesn't it make you wanna tear you fucking skin off? Or is that just me?
<Tate smiles sadly.>
You're doing great.
- No, it's not as bad for me, I guess.
<Tate sighs again.>
Guess you're lucky.
- I take it one day at a time.
- <Tate sighs.>
- And some of those days are way too hard.
- I'm, uh, supremely self-medicated.
- <Tate raises an eyebrow.>
- You and me, both.
- [if shrooms] You already know about my, uh, experimental microdosing.
- [if shrooms] But, uh...
- ...I'm trusting you not to judge me too hard.
- But this thing?
- <Tate rattles his coffee cup.>
- Full of tequila.
- And this thing?
- <Tate taps the side of his nose.>
- Ritalin.
- I'm the worst. I fucking know.
- I try to do the right thing. You know, therapy and shit.
- <Tate sighs.>
- You're lucky.
- I wish I could trust someone like that.
- ...I wish I could trust myself.
- Yeah.
- I've been stood up more times than I count before I figured out it was one big fucking joke to people.
- ...This sounds like a joke, y'know, in and of itself, but in elementary school, I had someone pretend to date me to make someone jealous.
- But it didn't work, because he said I was gross.
- Which.
- Took a while to get to a physical place where “gross” nets you a place in the social pyramid, but I'm happy this college exists.
- What's your family like?
- Oh, wow.
- Uh.
- I, uhm. I don't... really like talking about them.
- <frowns>
- You really wanna know?
- Like, really really wanna know?
- Yep.
- Actually... I'm not sure if I do.
- Right. Right.
- I'm not sure if I want to talk about it, anyway.
- <force close>
- <Tate sighs.>
- I mean.
- I guess it's good to talk to someone about it.
- ...I have two parents. One dad. One mom. One sister.
- My sister's, uh. She's fourteen or fifteen or something.
- My mom. Uh. She works at the Bureau of Land Management doing, uh. Zoning or whatever.
- ....
- ...My dad, you know. He's. You know.
- ...A real piece of shit.
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] ...You wanna know how I found out about, you know, the eldritch horror living inside my chest?
- ...He used to, you know. Whip out the fucking belt when I pissed him off.
- Which.
- You know.
- Was all the time.
- Because I'd piss him off. Or he'd say I was pissing my mom off. And, you know. Maybe I was. I don't know.
- But -
- One day, you know, he's getting mad at me for failing this trigonometry test.
- You know.
- Cause I'm so smart. Right?
- Kid like me, I'm so smart, I should - I should've passed this test, right?
- Only I was out sick, that day.
- He didn't even fucking remember. I had a fever of a hundred and fucking four and I was home for four days,
- and he didn't remember a single second of it.
- He didn't call it in to the school, or anything.
- He just fucking didn't care. He just had - had - bigger shit to care about.
- And here he was... about to fucking kick the shit out of me for something I didn't even do.
- Well.
- Something - I - you know what I'm getting at! Something I couldn't do!
- So... he starts, you know...
- And I'm looking at myself in the reflection of this window, you know, that looks out onto the street...
- And I see the house across from ours...
- They've got their curtains drawn, you know, but the lights are on.
- And I think about, you know, who might be living there. In that house.
- If they're having dinner. Or just watching TV. If they have a kid. What he's doing. What he gets to do.
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] And... something... just...
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] <Tate blanks out for a second, then, shakes his head.>
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] I'm not really sure what happened. Er. Happened. I'm - I'm not sure what's happening, you know, when I black out like that.
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] But, uh, all I know is that people say they saw a giant, darkened vision, like, you know, from the maw of Hell itself,
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] spewing an unholy light from its eyes, stinking of brimstone, reaching for my Dad and managing to, uh -
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] ....snap both of his elbows out of place and break a clavicle before, uh, my sister hit me on the head with a chair and I woke up in the hospital.
- So.
- You know.
- Not a fan.
- Of my family. You know.
- It's, uh, it's okay.
- I mean.
- No, it's not, but - you can't do anything about it.
- But, uh, thanks. Thank you.
- ...Really.
- I guess. I mean.
- What happened to my dad was horrible.
- ...I guess what happened to me was horrible, too.
- ...I know.
- I was like, you know. 17 by then. And supposed to start college next year. So...
- ...I just decided to start, you know. Early.
- I snuck in my Slasher U application and took a GED test in secret.
- I was out of there before you could say “The Birds”.
- [Conditional: TateHyde Encountered] And, you know, I only had to break out into eldritch horror hives four more times before I left.
- I see why you don't like talking about them.
- When was the last time you saw them?
- I'm glad you're not there, any more.
- Yeah! Yeah.
- I'm - I'm glad I'm here.
- <Tate smiles, despite himself.>
- It's been nice.
- <Tate grins.>
- You got it, chief.
- <He lays a fucking killer one on you. Mmm! Tate!>
- [+1 TateKissCount]

Hexecutioner Jones-MacDuff
Hex is a kind, chipper himbo type, with two alpha parents who always pressure him to be the best Masked Murderer in horror history (he's not sure if he even WANTS to major in Masked Murder, but whatever).
- Major: Undeclared
- Year: Sophomore
- Age: 22
- Parents: Jason Krueger-Jones and Pyramid Head MacDuff
Basic Conversation
- What's your major?
- What year are you in?
- How are you?
- Is... is that a Hatchet Man tattoo?
- Oh. My. Fucking. God.
- You know what that is?!
- You're not gonna make fun of me, are you?!
- [STORY FLAG: +FlagHexJuggalo]
- Uh... actually, no, I don't know what that is.
- You.. you don't?
- <Hex breathes a sigh of relief.>
- Okay. Well. Listen. People usually take this the wrong way, but -
- ...have you ever heard of the Insane Clown Posse?
- Hex... are you fucking serious right now?
- Most people just know ICP for like, memes about magnets or like, clown makeup and STDs, but there's SO MUCH MORE to me than that! I mean, to ICP than that!
- The fanbase is actually really fucking wicked sweet to each other. And that's nice.
- Not that you'd know from nice.
- <Hex's eyes go reaaaal wide.>
- ...REALLY?!
- Oh. My. GOD. DUDE. DUDE.
- They're this fucking band, right, they're these two guys, and they play, like, weird shitty hardcore trip hop, right, but it's actually pretty good, well, I think so anyway, and -
- Their fanbase is like, super fucking tight, right, and there's this thing every year called the Gathering of the Juggalos which is like a music festival where everyone goes to get fucked up and see them live and there's mud wrestling and a tetanus pit -
- And, you know, to everybody else it's just some fucking idiots in black and white clown makeup drinking Faygo not understanding how magnets work or whatever, but it's REALLY a pretty fucking cool family to be a part of when your own fucking sucks.
- I mean, not all of it. Not everybody's a fan of tetanus. And, I mean, sometimes we have to beat up a few homophobes, but it's worth it to clean up the dirty lake.
- Whoop whoop!
- Er, no. I'm not. Why do you have it?
- <Hex, for once, looks genuinely embarrassed.>
- Look - promise me you won't make fun of me?
- ICP maybe, kinda, maybe kinda a little bit saved my life.
- Well. Maybe that's an exaggeration?
- But they got me through some really shitty times. Y'know?
- You ever have a band like that? I just wanna carry it with me. Y'know...?
- ...Yes, you fucking loser.
- <Hex looks like you stepped on his pet rabbit.>
- ...C'mon, \s[1]. Everyone's got their thing, right?
- Juno's really into those weird little china figurines they don't want to tell anyone about.
- Sawyer's got his weird hatchet-forging hobby.
- And me, uh, me, well, I listened to a LOT of ICP growing up.
- Still do, maybe.
- Are you KIDDING me?! Whoop whoop, my dude!!
- <Hex makes a loud, theatrical shushing noise, his eyes going wide.>
- Don't - don't let Juno hear you doing that!!
- But - HELL YEAH, MAN!! Juggalos 4 lyfe!!
- Whoa. I have NEVER gotten to say that in real life.
- I had no idea you were down with the clown, dude. Have you ever been to a Gathering in real life?! Maybe we could go together!
- So... where did you grow up?
- Oh! Uh. This is a little awkward.
- I grew up, like... in Connecticut, kind of near Sawyer and Mike.
- I, uh... grew up in [suburb].
- Is... that supposed to mean something?
- []
- Hey Hex.. wanna make out?
- Yee-eee–eees. <Hex grins.>
- Hey Hex.. wanna get it on?
- How did you figure out you like getting beat up?
- Well, I don't like getting BEAT UP!
- I mean, by you, maybe.
- I mean...
- I don't know.
- I mean. You definitely awakened something in me that time we hooked up, but, I mean...
- You probably figured out I had it figured out before that....
- I don't know.
- My whole life, you know, it's literally been, since cradle to the future grave, “This is how you chase people.”
- “This is how you strike terror into people and send them running, Hexecutioner!” “This is how you scare the ever-living shit out of people!”
- I don't fucking WANT to command a room. I mean, maybe not at all. Definitely not even, uhm, when I'm fucking.
- One day, you know, I guess I just started wondering what it'd be like to be the guy getting chased.
- I think I might like that more.
- And, you know. One thing led to another, and maybe I started thinking about what would happen if I got caught.
- It's like... man, don't make fun of me, okay? It's...
- ...Weirdly freeing to be all paralyzed like that. For me.
- It's... sometimes the only way I can get myself to fucking chill.
- ....<Hex looks like he just gave away his last shred of dignity.>
- That's not weird, is it?
- No, I get where you're coming from.
- I thought you might!
- You, uh. You kinda get me.
- If that's cool. To say.
- Good thing I like chasing you.
- Heh! Well, you fucking caught me.
- ...What are you gonna do about it?
- <Hex grins.>
- A little... but that's okay.
- Heh. I guess.
- I hope it's cool that I'm a little weird.
- Have you ever tried, you know... being on top?
- Oh! Yeah. Lots of times.
- Usually, people look at, you know, this rockin' bod, and want it to crush them like the rocks on Giles Corey during the Salem Witch Trials.
- But it's so STRESSFUL, man.
- Like - I have a hard enough time trying to get my shit together for class!
- Now I have to get my shit together to fuck?! No, thank you!
- ...I mean, unless, you know... you WANT me up there.
- If that's what you want, y'know, like, just... fucking tell me what to do and I'll get up there, no problem.
- Shit. I'm doing it again, aren't I?

Laila Velasquez
Laila is a go-getter alpha girlboss type, who aims to be the best Final Girl in Slasher U history. She's head of the lacrosse team, gets straight A's, and is VERY particular - but she's earned it (at least, her attitude says she has).
- Major: Final Girl Studies
- Year: Junior
- Age: 23
- Parents: Normal & supportive, but Laila finds them frustrating
Basic Conversation
- What's your major?
- Oh! I'm a second-year Final Girl Studies major.
- I actually have enough credits to be a Junior, but I want to take my time here.
- Really get my money's worth out of Slasher U.
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=/=Final Girl Studies] How about you?
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=] I'm undeclared.
- Hmmm. I'd never apply to college without a major.
- I mean, I picked Slasher U because it's the best Final Girl program in the country.
- How... how did you even end up applying here?
- It was the only one I got into.
- Really.
- ...Some people have all the luck, I suppose.
- I just knew I wanted to be near something horror-y.
- <Laila smirks.>
- I can actually respect that.
- There's something about all of this I just... really feel at home with, you know?
- <Laila contemplates this.>
- It's nice to be at a school where both parties understand the slasher/slashee/Final Girl relationship.
- I'm actually a legacy admit.
- <Laila frowns.>
- A legacy?
- \s[11]. Now I remember where I've heard that name.
- You have a whole bench outside the library, right? Not exactly a wing, but you're part of a bloodline.
- ....How... does that feel?
- I have a lot to live up to.
- Certainly. But you also know you have a head start compared to everyone else, yes?
- People assume I'm just like my family.
- And you're not?
- I suppose I don't know what your family's like.
- You've got a chance to leave your own legacy, here.
- I kind of like being special.
- <Laila sighs.>
- Must be nice.
- Thinking you're special.
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=A/V] I'm an A/V major.
- Behind the camera, eh?
- You might be good enough to film one of my great escapes one day.
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=Summer Camp Slasher] I'm majoring in Summer Camp Slashery.
- Really! So you might be the one who ends up chasing me.
- Making me the Final Girl, so to speak.
- Lotta, lotta pressure.
- <Laila grins.>
- Real cocky, \s[11].
- Let's see about that.
- What if I end up catching you?
- <Laila grins.>
- You won't.
- No one ever does.
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=Final Girl Studies] Aren't you a Final Girl major, too?
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=Final Girl Studies] [Conditional: PlayerGender=/=she/her] I apologize for our school's ridiculously archaic gendered major naming system.
- [Conditional: PlayerMajor=Final Girl Studies] What made you want to apply to the program?
- I'm a runner, not a chaser.
- <Laila raises an eyebrow.>
- Is that a euphemism?
- ....
- ......
- [Conditional: LailaPoints>=FriendThreshold1/2] ...You know what, \s[11], not everyone in the Final Girl program is just a “runner”.
- [Conditional: LailaPoints>=FriendThreshold1/2] Some of us run because we're the one who chases.
- [Conditional: LailaPoints>=FriendThreshold1/2] It's just smarter to bide your time and let your prey come to you.
- [Conditional: LailaPoints>=FriendThreshold1/2] <Laila smirks. Flirtily.>
- [Conditional: LailaPoints<FriendThreshold1/2] ....You can't expect that to actually work on me, \s[11].
- Uh... no. I really am more of a runner.
- <Laila looks at you somewhat sympathetically.>
- There's more to life than running, you know.
- I think a lot of Final Girl studies is about gaining the upper hand.
- I like the idea of surviving til the end.
- <Laila grins.>
- Survival is something I made myself learn.
- I like the idea of knowing, no matter what, I'll be okay.
- Even if I'm being chased by a masked murderer.
- The vibe is EXTREMELY my vibe.
- <Laila bursts out laughing.>
- That's astonishingly refreshing, \s[11].
- I must admit, I'm a bit of a sucker for the vibe myself.
- I take the art of survival extremely seriously... but I do watch Scream sometimes and think of myself as a bit of a future hero.
- Don't start calling me “girlboss” or anything like that, I get enough of that from my family.
- Thank you! It's vintage. It's actually vintage Chanel, but - I feel a bit bad wearing Chanel, so I don't tell anyone, really.
- You know what? Maybe I should swap this thing out for Burberry.
- They're not perfect, either, but at least they didn't perpetuate a genocide.
- Understatement of the CENTURY.
- Well. Maybe not. I'm more into looking put together. And my big thing is vintage and thrifting, actually.
- I'm more into makeup than clothes. But the clothes make the Final Girl, don't you think?
- <Laila eyes you down.>
- Are you, ah... Do you... Have any passion for aesthetics?
- I. freakin. LOVE. Fashion.
- Really?! What kind? How? Are you more into runway or are you more into streetwear? Have you been to NYFW yet?!
- ...I'm definitely getting ahead of myself.
- I'm an art person, but not really fashion-forward.
- Hmmm. Maybe we could channel your love for art into something more... comely?
- But I'm putting the cart before the horse.
- Have you been to the townie museum yet? There's actually a gorgeous Norman Rockwell they have on display.
- I didn't take you for a Rockwell fan.
- <Laila looks at you with a funny sort of smile.>
- Why not?
- I think I like the life he puts in his figures.
- They're all little plateaus of American life, and they're all so moving and content to be happy.
- They're a little monument to a time that never existed.
- Rockwell is MY jam!
- Well, more cup of coffee. Aesthetically, I feel like Otto Dix is more like jam, in terms of my favorites.
- Who's your favorite artist, then, \s[11]?
- I'm into Abstract Expressionism.
> Oh, I LOVE getting suckered into a good Rothko.
> Have you ever been to the Rothko Chapel? It's a monument to his entire gestalt. And a monument to sheer tear-jerking beauty.
- I'm into contemporary performance art.
> You would be, wouldn't you?
> It's so engaging, especially the stuff the students have been doing on campus, lately.
> I think it's actually real human blood they're using in this season's showpiece.
- I'm really into the Pre-Raphaelites and Romanticism.
- I just love the old masters, you know? Impressionism and Fauvism.
- I like looking how I look.
- <Laila looks unconvinced, but concedes that you're probably right.>
- Yes - it's the confidence that counts, I suppose.
- Where do you go thrifting?
- Around here? Nowhere. Don't let people tell you to go to the Honest Closet, because honestly, it sucks fucking donkey dick.
- Excuse me.
- I like going to estate sales. They've got all kinds of amazing stuff just tucked away in deceased people's storage.
- I got this incredibly mahogany mantelpiece for my dorm room two weeks ago that COMPLETELY changes the vibe of the place.
- There's something about visiting the sales of the dead... Something dignified, but also vulturish. You know?
- Hey, Laila... you're pretty slow to trust people.
- Uh, yeah. Duh.
- Why aren't you?
- People shouldn't be trusted.
- The whole REASON I'm in the Final Girl program is because I don't trust people.
- I only trust myself to take care of myself.
- <Laila frowns.>
- And why is that?
- Being self-sufficient is sad? Relying on yourself is sad? Knowing YOU can get YOURSELF out of any situation is SAD?
- I only trust myself, too.
- [Conditional: LailaAffinity>0]
- I knew that about you, actually.
- We're not so different, you and I.
- Always wanted to say that.
- [Conditional:LailaAffinity<=0]
- Really? I thought you were more of a “teamwork makes the dream work” person.
- You've never relied on anyone?
- Correction. I HAVE relied on people. And that's why I know they're unreliable.
- I know the only person I can count on is myself, because that's the only person I have control over.
- You have no idea what people can do, \s[11]. It's called being prepared.
- Maybe you could try trusting me.
- [Conditional: PlayerPartner =/=include Laila]
- <Laila snorts.>
- You! No offense, \s[11], but you're not exactly a sterling pillar of trustworthiness.
- No offense. I enjoy your company, but - I can't leave things to you.
- That'd be incredibly irresponsible.
- [Conditional: PlayerPartner =include Laila]
- ...I want to trust you, \s[11]. ...I really, really do.
- It's just... impeccably hard.
- If you let me down, even just once - it'd break my heart.
- And I don't want to give you the chance to break my heart.
- So I'm not going to leave it in your hands, okay?...
- <Laila smiles grimly.>
- But you might.
- We can't have that.
- ...Can we talk about this another time, \s[11]?
- I won't break your heart.
- <Laila smiles, sadly.>
- You say that, now.
- Nobody knows what's going to happen.
- Listen... I trust that you won't TRY to break my heart.
- But you might.
- ...And if you do it on purpose, I will stomp on your organs until they split into a million tiny squishy little pieces.
- I'm sorry you feel that way.
- Do you want to go for a walk? [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- Do you need help with anything? [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- Ugh, YES. Again. Look, if you have an extra second, I'd really appreciate it, right?
- [Random Roll for easy fetch/do task for Laila]
- Return Library Book
- Turn In Paper
- Laila, you look super pretty today!
- Aw, thank you, \s[11]! I try.
- You succeed.
- Nailed it.
- You just get better looking every day.
- [Random: 1~5]:
- Aw. Flatterer. <Laila smiles.>
- Psh, \s[11]. You always know how to make me smile.
- Aw, y'think? Thanks, \s[11].
- <Laila smiles.> As always.
- You're welcome, \s[11]. <Laila winks. Wait, did Laila just WINK?>

Juno Ju-On
Juno is a super-chill, iced-coffee-addicted ghost who's happy to provoke/vaguely antagonize her peers and just enjoy college. They're an A/V major, because they love VHS tapes and old-school horror movies. Juno takes school the least seriously, and can have kind of a bro-ey/mean-streak sense of humor.
- Major: A/V
- Year: Sophomore
- Age: 24
- Parents: They get along okay - Juno has a big family, dad owns a video store chain
- Juno's mom was alive when she hooked up with her (ghost) dad
Basic Conversation
- What's your major?
- What's your family like?
- Oh. Well. My dad owns a chain of video rental stores, you know.
- Not exactly the most lucrative business, but... you know.
- It's where I get my kicks. And how I got started making home movies, and everything.
- You make your own movies?
- Hell YEAH I make my own movies!! Weird art film shit, slashy b-movie shit, super stupid Blair Witch shit, you know what I mean.
- Ugh, I miss making movies in the woods and shit.
- Everything's so FORMAL here. I mean, I love the equipment, and all, but I fucking hate working within an assigned group.
- [Conditional: JunoPoints>[FriendThresholdv1]/2] We should TOTALLY go off road and make our own movies, though, right?!
- Are you working on anything right now?
- Actually, I'm working on a fucking documentary!
- I KNOW, right?
- I'm usually such a lo-fi slasher chick.
- Anyway - yeah, it's a real-ass documentary, and it's about the legacy of the Final Girl program.
- It's the first one in the country, and it's had a record number of deaths compared to the other tracks at this school.
- Even, like, Cryptozoological Dentistry, and that's got a death rate of nearly 50-50.
- Some people are saying we shouldn't let people major in traditional victim roles, but that's absolutely bullshit.
- Final Girl-ism isn't just about running away. It's about being the last one standing. And if Slasher U isn't equipped to give these Final Girls the tools they need to be Final, then maybe it's Slasher U's fault the death toll is so high.
- Hmmmmmm?? <Juno makes an accusatory face.>
- That's... surprisingly prescient.
- Hey, I can be surprisingly prescient! I'm just never, you know, surprisingly PRESENT.
- Ghost, stoned, you know, maybe bit of both.
- Why document the Final Girl program at all?
- I mean, besides the grisly death toll and being around lots of consummately ripped survivalist hotties?
- I think it's fucking unfair the program's getting the short end of the stick.
- You got Masked Murderers being trained to be the tip top or whatever, you should have your quarries trained to give ‘em fucking hell, right?
- Besides. People like Laila are way fucking smarter than Hex and me. I think she's probably fucking on to something.
- How's the documentary going?
- It's all right... I'm trying to get an interview with Laila Velasquez, but I've spent the last two years irritating the shit out of her, so it's not going hella well.
> Yeah, fuck it, why not!
> If you see Laila, ask her to for the love of god grant me at LEAST an interview for my documentary.
> I'll owe you, like, SO MUCH.
- Maybe you shouldn't have antagonized her.
> And maybe I should've grown some foresight! What's your fucking point?
>> Nothing.
>>> Ugh. You fucking suck sometimes, you know that?
>> ...Do you need my help?
>>> ....<Juno sighs.>
>>> YES.
>>> If you see Laila, ask her to for the love of god grant me at LEAST an interview for my documentary.
- Do you work with the other students?
- [Conditional: TateMet] If you mean Tate, then no. He's a total fucking control freak and he's WAY too into cinematography.
- [Conditional: TateMet] I know, “how can you be way into cinematography”? TRUST me.
- [Conditional: TateMet] You've never seen a grown man yell at a crow for fucking up the composition of his b-roll.
- [Conditional: TateMet] But otherwise -
- Yeah, sometimes, you know, if people are around.
- I'm - more of a scriptless, eh, documentary, eh, gonzo-style filmmaker.
- Which means you LITERALLY have to be PHYSICALLY around me when I start filming, to be automatically assimilated into the cast and crew.
- Your dad owns a video store?
- A chain of video stores. He's real fucking precise about that.
- Yeah, it's called HOCKBUSTERS, and it's kind of a combination pawn shop - VHS rental kind of a place.
- Hell yeah, they do! At least, in the town I grew up in.
- It's this little flyover fuckberg on the way to a big ski resort, so we got all kinds of teenagers and college kids and co-eds and shit stopping round.
- My dad runs the VHS store next to the gas station, so they're always in there touching shit and renting shit and never bringing it back, and buying $12 boxes of Mike n Ikes.
- [+STORY FLAG: JunoLikesHometown]
- Y'know... it kinda was!
- I had a really good time being around all that candy and movies.
- And I got to meet new people every week.
- That sounds, you know, tiresome, but I think I really liked it. At the time.
- You don't even KNOW, dude.
- That's what got me into crawling into TVs in the first place.
- Scaring college students was the few good things I got out of that place.
- How bout you, \s[1]? Where did you grow up?
- The city.
- [FLAG: PlayerHometown=1]
- Ugh, you lucky sonofabitch. Was it fun? Was there dancing?
- Oh, yeah. It was INCREDIBLE.
> I bet!! I'm so fucking jealous!
> I've always wanted to move to like, the Big Apple or some shit.
- Nah, it sucked not being able to play outside.
> Ugh, I bet.
> Not that I ever played outside.
- The burbs.
- [FLAG: PlayerHometown=2]
- Ooh, a certified classic. How boring was it? Was it like the pop punk songs always said?
> I knew it. At least 90's ska-punk wouldn't lie to me.
> Really? I kind of assumed somewhere had to be worse than where I grew up, and that... might be... the suburbs?
> Shit, I've been lied to, haven't I?
- Oof. Kinda like me, huh? Or, like... more nowhere-ey?
- Kinda like you.
- [FLAG: PlayerHometown=3]
> Oh, man. Shitty small town solidarity.
> You TOTALLY know where I'm coming from, then.
- Kinda more nowhere-y.
- [FLAG: PlayerHometown=4]
> Jeez... I can't imagine anywhere more nowhere-y than my shithole town.
> Really?! I'd go nuts being on my own all the time.
> I need a constant supply of victims for my bullshit.
> Yeah... only okay.
> Story of my shitty little small town life, right?
- I hated every second of it.
> Ugh, I BET.
> I bet you got up to weird shit, though. Like cow-tipping.
> Hey, if I find a cow, you wanna tip it? Or at least show me how?
- Yeah, there's a pawneria in the back.
- It's just full of sad shit, you know. Engagement rings and heirloom necklaces and really nice watches with people's granddad's birthdays on them, that kind of shit.
- Sometimes I just... kind of haunt, back there. My older sister works there with her husband Gerry and they seem to like it okay. I dunno, I just kind of absorb the sad.
- Oh! I don't have a mom.
- I mean, I DO, but, like, she's out of the picture.
- Weird, right? Your mom's supposed to be the one that sticks with you.
- But my dad said she bailed right after having my little sister.
- Two, actually. One little, one big. And me! I'm the middle child so I get away with being ignored all the time.
- My dad still hasn't realized I failed sophomore year and I'm retaking it for the second time.
- Cool, right?
- So... your last name is “Ju-On”?
- <Juno bursts out laughing.>
- Oh my god, no. That's just a nickname I got from the TV-crawling thing.
- I probably should be happy they didn't start calling me Juno Ringu or something.
- Naw, I just fucking love Japanese horror cinema. My last name is Park.
- So... are you a ghost because you died, or....?
- Ha ha, just kidding. You're good.
- Naw, I was, uh, born a ghost. Weird, I know.
- But my dad's a ghost. He, uh. He died.
- He died in a car crash when he was like, 42 or something.
- As far as I know, I was born, like, a little baby ghost, and now I'm like, 23 or 24 or whatever.
- Shit, I am maybe a little too high. 24. That seems right.
- Do you remember your mom?
- Kind of. A little bit.
- Everyone in the town seems to remember her, though. They said she was a real “live wire”, whatever that means.
- It was a good thing, though. Sometimes they call me a fucking “live wire” and I have to tell old Babs McBoomerface to tone it the fuck down.
- Are your siblings ghosts, too?
- Yup! Both of them. Jolyne lives in town and works at the pawn shop behind my dad's video rental, and she's married to a live guy, but they make it work. My little sister Kenny is finishing up high school, and she's a ghost, obv.
- Neither of them died, though. I mean, like, my dad had them like normal, I guess. With my mom.
- Born a ghost, die a ghost. I guess I never really thought about what happens if I keep aging.
- <This seems to disturb Juno a bit.>
- Oh my god YEAH. I was getting bored out of my MIND.
- Wanna do some shots?
- Yesss yes yes yes yes. Do you want me to roll a joint? Give me [x5 Herb] and we can get BLASTED.
- Oooooh, my kinda trip. A ballsy one.
- <Juno grins.>
- You got anything on you?
- [Conditional:item owned: tate's shrooms] I got these weird experimental shrooms Tate grew out of radioactive sewage! ...It's nicer than it sounds.
- ...Tate does a lot of drugs.
- Well shit. Color me surprised. Yeah, hand ‘em over!
- Would you ever want to visit your hometown together?
- You want to visit New Ontario together?!
- That's, like, certifiably insane, \s[1].
- No. You're gonna hate it.
- There's nothing but the VHS store, and the gas station, and the campground, and the strip mall, and the...
- know what, let's do it.
- Let's fucking do it.
- I'll take you there, and you can see how wicked stupid it all is.
- And... how much I miss how stupid it all is.
- You can meet Jolyne! She's fucking great. Her husband makes the most amazing scorpion pie.
- It's not made of scorpions. It's just hella spicy.
- At least I don't THINK it's made of scorpions.
- Next time there's, like, a major holiday, you and me can go, all right?
- You're driving, though. It's 8 hours and I can't be sober long enough for that.
- Dude... I think I love you. Like, LOVE YOU love you.
- <Juno freezes.>
- <For a second, she's actually, completely speechless.>
- ...Don't fuck around with me like that, dude.
- Well, then, yeah, I love you too, man, and I love Hex, and I love my stupid dad and my stupid sisters or whatever.
- No, I mean, like, I LOVE you.
- ...You know what I fucking mean, man.
- <Juno sighs. Deeply.>
- I knew this would happen.
- I knew this day would come.
- Listen... \s[1]....
- I really like you.
- Like, a lot. A lotta lotta lotta lot.
- But I'm... not super sure I'm even, uh, capable of that.
- Loving someone.
- You know. The way you do.
- I like spending time with you, and I love macking on you and everything...
- I don't know.
- I'm not, uh, a super affectionate person emotionally, or anything.
- I'm sorry. I know that wasn't the answer you were looking for.
- You're... you're my favorite person to be with, though. You know that?
- That's okay. We can be friends, if you like.
- Whoa, whoa, I still LIKE you, numbnuts.
- If you still like ME, you know, there's no reason to stop seeing each other. Datewise. Right?
- <Juno frowns.>
- Well, tighten up, numbnuts, there's more where that came from.
- <Juno sighs.> Sorry. Man. Wow. Not good with the feelings thing, here, am I?
- \s[1]... I'm really sorry. I still like you. Like, a LOT. If you still like me, you know... maybe it's okay if we keep going...?
- Right. Let's keep dating.
- Yeah! Let's! <Juno grins.>
- Who knows what shit we'll get into, right?
- Actually... maybe we should take a break.
- Oh.
- <Juno's face falls.>
- ...Is this because of the, uh, love thing?
- ...I'm really sorry, man.
- ...But I get it. You know.
- I... might need a little space, for a bit. You know.
- Yeah. You better.
- Fucknuts.
- [-1 JunoPoints]
Secondary Characters

Headless Horsemike
Social Chair at DIK, and second most popular guy on campus, Headless Horsemike is THE go-to guy for partying on campus. Unless you're part of the fancy frat/sorority group, that is.
- Major: Mad Neuroscience
- Year: Senior
- Age: 26
- Parents: ?
Basic Conversation
Anyway, how can I help you, bud?
- Oo-kay, that's actually part of my literal job, as social chair.
- What do you want to know?
- Tell me about who lives here.
- A SHITTON of people live here. Who do you want to talk about?
- Heyyyy, asking after Sexecutioner, huh?
- [Conditional: PlayerPartner includes Hex] Getting some dirt on your sweetie?
- All right. Whaddaya wanna know?
- <Mike snorts.>
- Good question!
- Honestly? I think he's got a lot of fucking hangups and he's really excited to be out here in the world, and I don't know how well he's handling it.
- He doesn't like to talk about it, but he's from, like, REAL horror legacy.
- His dads aren't just famous. They're, like... creepy fucking old-school famous.
- I think it's more than just pressuring Hex into being the next big masked slasher, though.
- I think they see him as, like, the next step in building this Krueger-Jones-MacDuff legacy.
- I think they see themselves as defining horror. And, you know, by extension, how Hex acts is gonna define how WE see THEM.
- Hex is a real sweetheart, though.
- ...If you genuinely fuck him up, I'll fucking murder you. And not in the school-sanctioned way.
- [Conditional: PlayerPartner includes Hex] I mean, you'd be the one who'd know, right? But, okay.
- Let me see...
- <Mike starts counting on his fingers.>
- Bad music, bad lighting, pickleball, ultimate frisbee, ice luges, yardlong margaritas, video poker, and wearing slides in under-60 weather.
- I suspect he might actually be a middle aged man from Florida, but he's definitely just a 23-year-old jackass. Possibly from Florida, though.
- Ooh, Juno Ju-On themself.
- Personally, I think she's kind of funny, but I think Hex might actually get his feelings hurt by them sometimes.
- Whatcha wanna know?
- <Mike grins.>
- Okay, you're not the first person here who's tried to bang Juno.
- I am legally obliged to warn you that Juno is about ten times fucking spicier than you think you can handle.
- You think they're a ghost pepper? They're a fucking Carolina Reaper. You think they're a Carolina Reaper?
- They're a fucking NUCLEAR MISSILE.
- [Conditional: PlayerPartner includes Juno] But you know all that already, didn'cha, champ?
- ...Honestly, though? I don't know what their deal is.
- I think they've got a lot going on and I don't think they want me to know about it.
- I think they play dumb to fake out having to act smart.
- So... this frat is co-ed?
- <Mike looks at you like you're the dumbest motherfucker alive.>
- Uh, yeah. Did you not notice?
- <Mike grins.> My favorite subject! All right, shoot. Whatcha wanna know?
- I'm a senior, baby! But don't worry, I'm sticking around for grad school, so you'll get plenty of Horsemike for future flavor.
- Sports Medicine.
- Ha ha, just kidding. That shit's for queers. And I should know, I fuck dudes.
- I'm majoring in Mad Neuroscience.
- Halfway to Mad Med School, baby!
- Then it's off to a Mad Hospital Residency and then hopefully a nice research gig at a Mad University Science Lab.
- You're the frat's social chair?
- Yup! That means I plan all the parties, do all the fundraising, make sure everyone knows everyone, and recruit new shitheads for the frat.
- We call our pledges shitheads. It's tradition.
- It's not actually tradition, but I tell people it is, because it's a little funny. Isn't it?
- Hey, Sawyer the Almost-a-Lawyer! Yeah, what about him?
- I know you want me to say “he rushed the frat” or “we rushed it together” or “we hooked up in a fit of passion” but naw, no dice.
- To be honest, his dad knows my dad.
- I got in some trouble with the law in my hometown, and Sawyer's dad swooped in to lawyer me up good.
- ...He did tell you his dad is like, the baddest lawyer in our hometown?
- ...Maybe he's trying to distance himself from that.
- <Mike half-snorts, half-laughs.>
- Oh, is that what he's calling it?
- No. We're beefing. We have extreme amounts of beef.
>...Mmm, no, not today, \s[11].
>...Maybe some other time, right?
- [Conditional: STORY FLAG: TateLivesAtDIK] Tate
- <Mike frowns.>
- Oh man. No Date Tate? We don't like to talk about him.
- He's renting a room here because his dorm room flooded or something.
- He just keeps to himself. I'm not sure if he ever even sleeps in there.
- Tell me the frat's history.
- <Mike's smile grows a little strained.>
- You know I'm like, legally obliged to tell you that, right?
- <Mike sighs, then shakes it off, and starts rattling something he's clearly memorized. Heavily.>
- As a member of the esteemed fraternity Delta Iota Kappa, I am legally, morally, and ethically obliged to recite to you, the ask-ee, the oral history of this frat, right here, right now, the very second you ask, no questions asked.
- <Mike coughs.> Please bear with me as I roll through this entire stupid thing.
- <He straightens up.>
- []
Sawyer Ferguson
- Major: Criminal Justice Law
- Year: Junior
- Age: 24
- Parents: ?
Dean Whatsisname
Completely oblivious carrot-cake loving Dean of Students.
Former camp counselor, current student services head.
Bursar Killington
The villain of the piece! Killington HATES the students, and HATES horror the most.
Why? Because horror's SCARY! And anything that scares him must be BAD. (At first he assumes the students just aren't scared, then, when he finds out they LIKE being scared, he goes fucking bananas).
Dr. Steinfurter
A super hot 40s-ish Bruce Campbell looking fucker who looooooves illegal monster surgery. Big Re-animator, Dr. Steinman, mad plastic surgeon vibes.
Operates the student medical clinic at Slasher U.
Provides gameplay services:
- “Plastic Surgery” - change avatar & sprite - $$
- 20% Cooler: adds to Coolness stat (Defense) - $$$
- 20% Hotter: adds to Hotness stat (Attack) - $$$
- 20% Smarter
- Trans me!
- Steroid pump!
- Stomach Pump: Full HP recovery - $
- “Therapy”: Full SP recovery - $
Other Students
Not quite Secondary Characters, but important nonetheless!
Covington Footballington
A 50's football player raised from the dead, Covington doesn't really remember his real name or old self, but he DOES remember how to be great at football! He's a bully, mean to the main cast, and easy to anger - all your typical jock tropes - but his frustration primarily comes from not being able to understand modern society properly.
- Major: Sports Medicine
- Year: Senior
- Age: 23
- Parents: Reanimated by Bursar Killington

Ashleigh Summers
Fellow Final Girl and Laila's closest frenemy.
- Major: Final Girl Studies
- Year: Sophomore
- Age: 20
- Parents: Buffy & Angel Summers
Other Sorority Girls at Rich Girl Sorority
Main Quest
THINK OF THE CHILDREN: Someone (Bursar Killington) is working from the inside to take down Slasher U. He believes it's a horrible place that engenders the worst in people - instead of the magical mystical horrifying slaughterhouse we've all come to know and love. He doesn't really “get” horror - but the students at Slasher U do!
The Main Quest takes you through a mystery element, hunting for clues Nancy Drew style around the map, with lots of setpieces (main quest points) featuring your party members to advance the main quest story. (Inspired by classic horror tropes/films).
Killington is part of a secret Hayes Code worshipping society that seeks to hold everyone to the old traditional standard - “think of the children” when there's no children present. (And when everyone's children... everything will finally be child-appropriate!!)
****Throughout: physical plot evidence can be uncovered/collected
Something's Afoot
Someone - a mysterious hooded figure in a white and gold robe - is STOPPING murders from happening on campus!
Everyone's going to fail their classes if this horror-hating un-murderer isn't stopped!
- Hex's Masked Murder assignment goes horribly wrong - their pincer setup to get Chad Footballington killed is foiled by a horrible hooded figure, ruining their consensual murder!
- Tate's real-life snuff film also goes awry, when someone “saves” Juno from being murdered!
- Laila's Saw-style Final Girl midterm is ruined when her trap's key is casually laid next to her. Where's the challenge?!
When all the scenarios have been encountered, the player can summon the main cast for A Meeting of the Minds.
Barn Murder
Location: The Forest
+Hex blood overlay
<Through the woods, you can barely see a burning barn.>
<Inside the barn is a Final Girl, clutching to the body of star quarterback Covington Footballington.>
<A hideous, machete-wielding figure comes through the fog...>
<The girl SCREAMS....>
H: Hey, Ashleigh! It's me! How was your Spring Break? Did you have fun in Cabo with your cousins?
H: What?
A: Are you fucking kidding me?!
H: What?? :(
A: Hex. The purpose of a roleplaying simulation is to SIMULATE an ACTUAL survival scenario.
A: If you were chasing me and Covington through the woods in REAL life, would you ask me how my vacation to Cabo went??
H: ...Probably?
<Just then, a loud whistle pierces nearby Hex. Whatever it was grazed his shoulder!>
H: DUDE! Not fair! This was supposed to be a 2-on-1!
A: Yeah! And where's your permit for that projectile? This is a 200-level class!
<Another projectile whistles past Hex - this one hitting Covington right in the chest.>
A: What the FUCK!
<Covington's body stirs.>
C: Yyyeah, man, what the ffuck?
<In the distance, a hooded figure hustles away, too hurried to care about not making noise.>
<What the fuck?>
Covington Footballington
Final Girl Ashleigh
Oh my god.
Do you think Xerxes is gonna fail me for that?!
I'm going to fucking hurl.
- The weird arrow shit, or me bombing that entire fucking scene?
- Man! I have no idea.
- Maybe someone's trying to sabotage my grade?
- That would be the sickest explanation for how bad my GPA is.
- Fuck! Fine! I'm, like, not super into intimidating people, okay?!
- Maybe I'm good at it! Maybe I'm not!
- I just - fuck me, is it okay if I just want people to like me?
- <Hex looks genuinely upset.>
- Wanna head back to campus?
- Yeah! Yeah. Let me just... grab my shit.
- <Hex picks up his machete.>
Not NOW, \s[11].
I'm trying to figure out how to murder Hex with my mind.
- <Ashleigh splutters into laughter.>
- Duh! I'm a Final Girl, dummy!
- I'll ALWAYS be okay.
- At least, that's the goal of graduating from here. <Ashleigh smiles.>
- Some kind of projectile. An arrow with a weird hobbyist shaft.
- It looks like it took way too much force for a normal human archer to hit. Covington's almost run through.
- If that shit hit Hex or me, we'd be dead. Like, dead-dead.
Oh, hey, man.
I was trying so hard to be a good dead body for Ashleigh I almost became a dead body myself.
- What do you think that was?
- An arrow.
- <Covington tears the arrow shaft out of him. He winces.>
- See?
- Oh, sure. I was like this before that arrow hit me.
- The blood's new, the wound's not.
- Hmm. Probably shouldn't be bleeding that much as an undead guy, though.
- <Covington looks concerned.>
Tate's Film
Location: Set
- Tate met
- Juno met
- Nighttime
- ?
T: All right... a little to the left... to the left...
J: Uuuuggghh! Tate! My left or your left?!
T: Jesus christ, Juno, do you not - do you not pay attention in class?
J: I do not.
<Juno shifts left. Er, stage left.>
T: Perrrrrfect.
T: Remember, Juno, I really need you to channel that “tortured nun trapped in a forbidden romance being punished by the wrath of heaven almighty, like the switch of a thousand whips” energy.
T: Now, just pull every muscle like you're in extreme pain - you got it -
T: aaaand... rolling!
T: aaaand... Action!!
<Juno groans.>
<Super loudly, chains rattling and all.>
<Tate sighs. Exasperatedly.>
T: Juno. For the love of all that's unholy.
T: Can you groan more, like, “I'm burning in the fiery pits of Hell” and less, like, “oooh, yes, Daddy”?
J: Tate!!
J: Can we change the script to say “Ooh, yes, Daddy”?
T: ....
T: Absolutely not.
T: C'mon people! From the top!
T: Three - two -
T: one -
T: Action!!
<Suddenly, the lights all go out, and a mysterious hooded figure swoops down from the catwalks...>
<And attempts to grab Juno!!!>
T: Yeah, get your damn hands off her! Wait -
<The lights snap back on, as Juno flails around a lot.>
J: What the SHIT, Tate?!
T: What - me?!?!
T: What the fuck WAS that?!
T: How was it my fault????
J: I don't know! This is your set, right? So I get to blame you!
T: Fuck! Shit! I don't know! What the fuck was that?!
<The crew all sort of shudders and mills about.>
<Weeeeeird shit.>
- Shit, \s[1]. Did you see that?!
- What the fuck WAS that?!
- I didn't get a good look.
- <Tate groans.>
- Well, get a good look at a guy who's had his ENTIRE NIGHT RUINED.
- What do YOU think it was?
- Some fucking asshole who wanted to ruin my shot, that's what!!!
- Do you know how hard it is to get everyone to do what they're told on this stupid fucking set?!
- And NOW there's some dickweasel swinging around assaulting my actors?!
- NO! I will NOT stand for it!
- <Tate continues to grumble to himself.>
- Eugh. Some people do NOT understand the concept of a closed set.
- Yeah. ...It's always weird when people put their hands in me, you know, but I'll figure out who it is and kick their ass.
- What do you think that was?
- Fuck if I know. I think it was a guy. Or at least shaped like one.
- You can never know. It was guy height? Human height?
- Shit, man. I think I'm still grossed out by the hands thing.
Assorted other crewmembers mill about, saying at random:
Saw Trap
Location: Slasher Classroom
- Laila met
- Daytime
- Campus Fame: 2 or higher
Laila is tied down to a dentist chair in Professor Circular Saw's midterm, but realizes she's actually not locked in at all! Who would sabotage her chance to prove herself like this??
- VHS chat between Laila and Prof
- Prof logs off, Laila realizes she's not stuck
- Laila gets upset, talks to you
<Laila is strapped down to a dentist chair in a terrifying recreation of... something absurdly horrible.>
P: Laila Marisol Velasquez....
<Laila winces.>
P: You never appreciated your teeth in real life...
L: Oh, god!
P: ...Now, you'll learn to appreciate what teeth you DO have!
<Evil cackle.>
P: Implanted in your back filling is a fine, filigree key. You'll have to use this key to get out of those straps... if you're able to dig it out of your mouth.
L: No! God, no!
P: Good luck....
P: and DON'T fuck it up!
<The Prof signs off.>
<Laila looks around, hurriedly.>
<She pulls at her straps...>
<...and her arm just, like, comes free.>
L: ...What the fuck...?
<Laila pulls off the straps, and stands up.>
L: Professor?
- I don't think he can hear you.
- <Laila frowns.>
- I know!! I know he's behind a weird little screen somewhere.
- I'm just - I'm just frustrated, okay?!
- I was all set to take my Final Girl midterm when SOMEONE decided to just...
- Solve my murder trap FOR me.
- What the fuck is even that?!
- You're... upset you're free?
- I'm UPSET I didn't get a chance to prove myself in my MIDTERM!
- Now I'm going to have to schedule to take it again!!
Each encountered scenario adds +1 to a counter. When all 3 are hit, a final Phase 0 cutscene plays.
Phase 0 Let's Talk Cutscene
Character you have the highest Points with talks to you about the weird hooded figure.
Changes Phase to 1.
Texts also get sent.
I'm glad you decided to meet me, \s[11].
I've been doing a LOT of research.
I immediately started canvassing the other students in class, and NOBODY got to complete their test, that day.
After what you said about that hooded figure, I cross-referenced such incidents with the old copies of the student paper in the library.
I'm not far back enough yet, but with your help... I bet we could figure out who that fucker is.
Hey! \s[1]! I didn't think you'd show!
You're not going to fucking believe what I just found out.
<Tate shows you a photo.>
Look familiar?
- Uh... no...?
- Uh... kind of...?
<Tate shakes his head.>
Look. It's a shot from a Slasher U football game in 1970.
Look at the guy running across the field.
Look at what he's wearing.
<You do.>
<It's... a hooded figure. Wait, that looks familiar...>
I KNOW, right?
You think we can find this guy in the rest of the archives?
I mean. If you're down to solve this mystery with me.
- Let's do this!
- ...I... fucking guess!
\s[1]!! You're here!!
Okay, so, remember when that guy showed up during Survival class and tried to shoot some new holes in Covington?
Guess what I found.
<Hex withdraws a bow from his backpack.>
I found it in the woods after I was, uh, moping out there.
<He shows you the bow.>
It's from the Slasher U archery team.
It's just a normal old gym bow!
I'm not sure if this even counts as a lead...
...I could definitely use some help solving this, though...!
Yooooo. \s[1].
I'm still hung up about that guy who tried to grab me on set the other day.
...So i did some RESEARCH.
And by research, I mean breaking and entering.
<Juno produces a stark white-and-gold robe.>
Look familiar? I found it in the school laundry. Like, where they wash the tablecloths for the big fancy fundraiser dinners and shit.
It's the same kind of robe that asshole was wearing when he tried to grab me!
I'll kill him!!
Wanna help me get sweet sweet revenge, \s[1]?
- <Juno grins.>
- Everything's more fun with me, dude.
- Why not? Sounds like a blast!
- Hell yeah! Let's get out fuckin' revenge on!!
- It's best served with cold spots, right?
- Revenge? Ehhh, I don't know.
- Aw, booooooo. When you get your head straight and feel like taking revenge on something that MATTERS, look me up, bb.
A Meeting of the Minds
Everyone gathers to discuss this advancement.
Evidence gathered = plot points
You can invite:
- Reqs: HexPoints>=v[FriendThreshold1] or PlayerPartner=includes Hex
- Reqs: JunoPoints>=v[FriendThreshold1] or PlayerPartner=includes Juno
- Reqs: LailaPoints>=v[FriendThreshold1] or PlayerPartner=includes Laila
- Reqs: TatePoints>=v[FriendThreshold1] or PlayerPartner=includes Tate
- Reqs: HorsemikePoints>=v[FriendThreshold1]
- Reqs = ?
- This will totally get you narc points and none of the students will appreciate this, at all.
- Reqs: Just ask! Snitch.
- This will totally get you narc points and none of the students will appreciate this, at all.
- Killington will spend every hand trying to dissuade the students from getting anywhere near the truth.
Setting the Trap
During the Meeting of the Minds, a trap will be planned. In this phase, we spring it!
(People Start Dying)
The Big Dance
?Vote/do thing to decide dance theme?
Contextual Chats
Each new quest phase adds new contextual greets for chars.
Asking Out
You can ask people to this!
- You can only ask ONE person to the dance. [IMPLEMENTED]
- If you're dating more than one person, the other one(s) will get jealous/upset. [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- If you don't go to the dance with the person you're dating, they'll get upset. [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- You can also go stag.
- PlayerPartner includes Laila; or
- LailaPoints >= [FriendThreshold1]
- PlayerPartner includes Tate; or
- TatePoints >= [FriendThreshold1]
- PlayerPartner includes Hex; or
- HexSexCount or HexHardSexCount >= 1
- PlayerPartner includes Juno; or
- JunoPoints >= [FriendThreshold1]
The Dance
Present 1x-2x ticket(s) to the Dance at the Venue to enter the Dance scenario. [IMPLEMENTED]
There's tons to do!
All characters can be talked to with unique dance dialogue.
- Ask people to dance.
- Interact with the buffet table.
- Spike the punch!
- Eat the food!
- Tear up that dance floor.
- Investigate the premises.
- Talk to the DJ.
- Vote for Prom King/Queen! (only one available, highlander rules)
Each character has a contextual greet chat, then a full tree chat on second click.
- Who are you gonna vote for?
The Investigation
The Bursar has come and declawed the party, AND is taking a murderous stab at the Most Party-y student (who he perceives as being a threat), aka the Prom King/Queen.
- 5 clues must be found to advance the story. [IMPLEMENTED]
- These are either items or can be found through dialogue, etc.
- When all the clues are found, the Prom Vote Count commences. [IMPLEMENTED]
Clue #1: Empty Carrie Bucket
The traditional Carrie bucket is empty!
Player can leave it empty, or refill it with Pig's Blood.
Clue #2
Clue #3
Clue #4
Clue #5
Prom King/Queen
There Can Be Only One (™).
- Every character gets 1 vote.
- Player gets 1 vote.
- Vote depends on (if implemented) char's feelings re: each other.
- If each other's feelings system isn't implemented, ????
- Characters' votes can be swayed by interacting with them at the dance.
Votes start at:
- TATE: Votes for Player if he's their date > Refuses to vote
- HEX: Votes for Player if he's their date > Votes for Horsemike
- JUNO: Votes for Tate >
- LAILA: Votes for herself >
- HORSEMIKE: Votes for himself >
- SAWYER: Votes for Hex >
- ASHLEIGH: Votes for Laila >
- COVINGTON: Votes for Hex >
Characters can be convinced to change their vote.
Hex will automatically vote for Horsemike.
- Tate: Tell him this counts as Tate reparations. (He still doesn't stop hazing him though.)
- Player: Pass a Hotness check OR a Campus Fame check.
- Hex: Convince him he's worth it by pumping up his self-esteem.
- Juno: Pull the Friendship Card. / If Juno is player's Date, she automatically convinces him.
- Laila:
- Sawyer:
Juno will automatically vote for Tate.
- Laila: Convince her that Laila getting Carrie'd would be funny.
- Player: Pass a Campus Fame check.
- Hex: Tell her Hex needs this win.
- Juno: Just tell her to vote for herself.
- Horsemike: Pass a Hotness check.
- Sawyer:
Tate refuses to vote unless convinced.
- Laila: Convince him Laila can really change things around here.
- Tate: Tate will never vote for himself.
- Player: Pass a Hotness check.
- Hex: Convince him Hex would hate being Carrie'd.
- Juno: If Juno is player's Date, she automatically convinces him. Else, pass a Campus Fame check.
- Horsemike:
- Sawyer:
- Blackmail Tate into voting your way. (Pass a Campus Fame check.)
- Use Story Flags for blackmail material.
Sawyer will automatically vote for Hex.
- Tate:
- Player: Just ask him to.
- Horsemike:
- Juno:
- Laila:
- Sawyer:
Horsemike will automatically vote for himself.
- Tate:
- Player: Pass a combo Campus Fame AND Hotness AND Coolness check.
- Hex:
- Juno:
- Laila:
- Sawyer:
Ashleigh will automatically vote for Laila.
- Tate: Convince her it's not a prank.
- Player: Raise your Coolness levels to X.
- Hex: Convince Ashleigh he needs the confidence boost with pity points.
- Juno:
- Horsemike: Ashleigh will never vote for Mike.
- Sawyer:
Covington will automatically vote for Hex.
- Tate:
- Player: Listen to him about his sorrows.
- Laila: Get Ashleigh to bully him into voting for Laila.
- Juno: Pass a Hotness check.
- Horsemike:
- Sawyer: Explain what a good guy Sawyer is.
Each character reacts differently.
There's also permanent game changing results per character. [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- TATE: Gets deeply upset, refuses to go up. If player presses him, lose a lot of CharPoints
- Everyone assumes it's a cruel prank
- Hex's confidence improves greatly
- JUNO: Assumes it's a prank, goes up anyway, gets mad at player
- Unlocks storyline about Juno's self-esteem/thoughts about herself
- People start recognizing Juno
- LAILA: Extremely proud, acts non-surprised but secretly is
- HORSEMIKE: Not surprised at all.
- Girls (and guys) faun over Horsemike EXTRA for the rest of the game. He's always got groupies surrounding him, etc.
- SAWYER: Hella surprised anyone noticed him.
- Gains a SHITTON of Campus Fame points (100).
- Everyone recognizes Player as Prom King/Queen for rest of game, it's a big deal.
The First Murder
Whoever gets voted Prom King/Queen gets attempted-murdered (always unsuccessful).
The murderer is the hooded mystery person!
The Crowning Cutscene
- Prom King/Queen is announced. [IMPLEMENTED]
- Prom King/Queen gets Carrie'd, if player refills blood bucket. [UNIMPLEMENTED]
- Attempted murder.
- Custom cutscene based on who Prom King/Queen is.
- If Player is the Prom King/Queen, short choice to defend self (always successful).
Leaving the Prom
Your date will talk to you about the incident. If you went stag, the character you have the most points with will talk to you.
Success State Cutscenes
- Mystery Solved
- Prom King/Queen Crowned
- If Player is Prom King/Queen
- If Player's date is Prom King/Queen
- If neither of the above are Prom King/Queen
- Player's date has something to say about the King/Queen.
Fail State Cutscenes
- Mystery Not Solved (less than 5 clues found)
- Prom King/Queen not crowned
Character Specific Cutscenes
[Conditional: Crowned Prom King] Can you believe it?!?!
[Conditional: Carried=true] AND I got fully, actually, whole-hoggedly Carrie'd?!
It's like all my fuckin' dreams are coming true!!
This was the most incredible night EVER, \s[1]!!
That was wicked sick, \s[1].
I know I know how to have a good time, but like -
You know how to keep up with me.
That was FUN.
Like, REAL fun.
[Conditional: Crowned Prom Queen] Plus, I fuckin' LOVED hearing you talk me up as Future Prom Queen in front of everyone.
Guess I like being put on a pedestal sometimes.
<Juno grins.>
[Conditional: Carried=true] AND getting Carrie'd was way more fun than I thought it'd be, even if none of it actually got on me.
...Wanna go back to DIK and get fucked up?
- Yeaaaaah!!
- Let's do it!
- <Juno slips her arm in yours.>
- No... I should probably get some sleep.
- Boo, you whore.
- I'll see ya tomorrow, right? We should get coffeeeee.
- If, you know, you're awake.
- <Juno winks.>
If Mystery Solved
This has been an absolutely magical evening, \s[11].
I mean it.
It was incredible.
[Conditional: Crowned Prom Queen] And getting me crowned Queen on top of it all?!
Total cherry on top.
You kind of made my dreams come true tonight, \s[11]...
You're one of a kind.
[Conditional: Carried=true] I could've done without being Carrie'd, but...
That's tradition for you.
<Laila grins.>
I had SO much fun.
Thanks for taking me out.
<Laila plants a kiss on your cheek.>
Would you like to walk me home?
- <Laila smiles.>
- Wonderful! You know where my sorority is, right?
- <Laila gently slips her hand in yours. So cute!>
- Actually, I think I should probably dip.
- Well... all right.
- I had a lovely time.
- I'll see you later!
If Mystery Not Solved
I can't believe we left without solving that mystery, \s[11]!!
That's utter BULLSHIT!
What kind of Prom is it if I can't save the day?!
- <Laila sighs.>
- It's - it's all right.
- Prom should probably be about... dancing, or having fun.
- This is just...
- It's kind of my calling. Does that make sense, \s[11]?
- I didn't think it'd be this big of a deal...
- Not a big - not a big deal?!
- You don't get me at ALL, \s[11].
- At.
- ALL.
<Laila huffs.>
I need some time alone.
<Laila stalks off, into the night.>
If crowned Prom King
What the FUCK, \s[1]!
What the fuck!!
Why would you go and get me elected Prom King?!
[Conditional: Carried=true]
And THEN get me Carrie'd on TOP of that?!
You're SUCH a dick!
Why would you DO that?!
- Nice?!? Why the fuck would any of that be NICE?!
- I don't like attention, \s[1]!!
- I fucking hate when people LOOK at me!
- Why did you think this was a good idea?
- I wanted you to feel special.
- I wanted you to win something.
- I thought it'd be healthy for you.
- I thought you deserved it.
- You thought it would be - !
- ...\s[1]...
- Be honest with me.
- Was this date just a massive, elaborate, horrible practical joke?
- Absolutely not!
- Uh... would you be mad if I said “yes”?
- <Tate stares.>
- Fuck.
- Fuck you, man.
- Fuck you.
- I hate this. I hate you.
- I don't ever want to fucking talk to you again.
- <Tate stomps off, a thousand-yard stare in his eyes....>
- [-35 TatePoints]
- I didn't think too hard about it, to be honest.
- You didn't -!
- <Tate sighs. Hard.>
If NOT crowned Prom King
Thanks, uh, thanks for taking me out.
I had a pretty amazing time, to be honest.
I didn't think I was going to...
...But I did.
So thanks.
[Conditional: FlagTateFamily=false]
- <Tate grins.>
- Hopefully, uh, it won't be the last amazing time we have.
- I had an amazing time, too. <Kiss him.>
- <You two lean in real close...>
- <And the entire place erupts in sparkly horror-themed fireworks as you share the sweetest post-prom kiss ever.>
- <Nice!>
[Conditional: FlagTateFamily=true]
...You know, I've never told anyone about my family before.
I didn't think I would EVER tell anyone.
I kind of figured you'd ditch me once you found out, you know. What happened.
But here you are.
And here I am.
...We're still here.
...You're still here.
<Tate takes a deep breath.>
Thank you, \s[1]. I mean it.
...You mean a whole fucking lot to me.
- You mean a lot to me, too, Tate. <Kiss him.>
- <You lean closer to Tate, and he closes his eyes....>
- <And you two kiss, for what seems like the first time.>
- <Everything just melts away, as the genuine sadness of Tate's heart hits you like a bullet.>
- <It's so amazing, you struggle not to swipe away the single tear rolling down his cheek.>
- Thanks for being my date.
- Anytime.
- <Tate grins.>
- Just, uh, maybe we can do something less social-y next time. Like a movie? Or... visiting the local graveyard?
- ......
- <Tate freezes. Then, he starts to shake himself out of it, slowly.>
- ....
- [Conditional: TatePoints+TateKisses+TateSexCount+TateDateCount>=FriendThreshold2] .....I think I love you, too.
- Hell yeah!
- I knew it!
- That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
- Come here, you. <Get to the kissin'!>
- <You two make out into the wee hours of the night.>
- <God, that's romantic. Nice job, you.>
- [Conditional: TatePoints+TateKisses+TateSexCount+TateDateCount<FriendThreshold2] I like you a lot, \s[1]... I really do...
- I just don't think I'm there yet.
- But I still have feelings for you! And everything!
- Just...
- Maybe let's just take it one step at a time, right?
- <Tate grins.>
- You, uh, you do well.
- Thanks for being my friend, \s[1]. I mean it.
The School Play
MAIN QUEST PHASE: 2 (phase sets after leaving prom)
Now that everyone's abuzz about the murder, it's school play season!
Slasher U is putting on “THE SCOTTISH PLAY”.
Everyone's gunning for a role.
The big night comes - who will you ask to go with you?
Present 1x-2x ticket(s) to the School Play at the Venue to enter the School Play scenario.
“Scamlet”/”The Scottish Play” is a Shakespeare mishmash.
The player can help cast the play.
Roles need to be filled!
ROLE 1: Puck: Default Horsemike
ROLE 2: Hamlet: Default Covington
ROLE 3: Lady MacBee: Default Laila
The Second Murder
At some point, one of the lead three actors (random) will have a murder attempted on them.
The vibe is Phantom of the Opera (a chandelier crashes).
This can be prevented:
All Murders
Can be prevented if (ors):
- Player fully investigates and foils the “Phantom”.
- Nobody ends up filling any of the roles.
A Third Thing
Assemble your own Scooby Gang, of sorts.
Everyone bands together to solve the mystery.
Player's lowest-points Character talks to them at the Coffee Shop.
Into the Sewers
The gang (of your choice) travels through a combat-heavy dungeon to get to the cultist HQ.
Final Battle
Giant final battle (“battle”) vs Bursar Killington.
The final setpiece: A big culmination of all your choices, flags, progress, etc so far.
Things that Affect the Graduation Scene
- Player Partner
- Player Major & Major Progress
- How Player Partner(s)' Main Quest turned out, if done, etc
Class Cutscenes
Hallway Chasing
Intro to Class w/ Hex lamenting
Forest Classroom (Survival)
Intro to Class w/ Tate & Juno present
Walk in on Student Film (with either character w/ the highest Points)
Necromancy (Demon Summoning Classroom)
Intro to Class w/ player summoning the demon
Each cutscene introduces new info.
Story Events (Misc)
Tate Lives at DIK: A Tragedy
- 20% chance of discovering Tate upstairs at DIK
- If: Not in player's party
Knocking on the door, you can talk with him about it and set a story flag.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.
Is that you?
[StoryFlag: TateLivesAtDIK]
[Conditional: TatePoints<0]
No offense, but - fuck off, all right?
I'm not in the mood.
[Conditional: TatePoints>0]
- Yeah, that - that's probably advisable.
- I'll see you later, right?
- What are you doing in there?
- ....<Tate sighs.>
- I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.
- .......I'm renting a room at DIK.
- What happened to your dorm room?
- The pipes burst! Fucking apparently!
- I was in the editing dungeon, and while I was gone, the entire fucking water system came crashing down on my dorm room.
- It took my stuff, my computer, all my tapes, EVERYTHING.
- It's just me and my fucking messenger bag now.
- I hate everything.
- Why DIK? I thought you hated them?
- <Tate groans.>
- I DO! I hate them SO FUCKING MUCH.
- And yet here I am.
- Because it was the only room available on campus left.
- I hate my life.
- Part of me thinks the Dean lied to me.
Player Variables
- He/Him
- She/Her
- They/Them
- Blank
- A/V
- Final Girl Studies
- Summer Camp Slasher
- Campus Fame
- PlayerPartner (earned)
When a Time Orb is tapped, the player can select between:
- Day: Set v[DayNight] = 0
- Night: Set v[DayNight] = -1
Campus Fame
Doing things around campus will earn you Campus Fame (Level).
Calculated By:
- DateCount
- KissCount
- SexCount
- +SpecialLayerSexCount
- Side Character CharPoints
- Player Level * 2
- Crows Fought Successfully
- Night Orbs found
Characters (Systems)
Each main romanceable character has a unique affinity/dating system revolving around the Points system.
The Affinity system currently only exists for flavor and might be axed?
General Advancement/Framework
Characters can:
- Date
- Kiss
- Bang
- In the case of Hex and Laila, an extra layer of BDSM-based Bang
- In the case of Tate, an extra story/optional extra romance layer beyond Bang
With the ultimate goal of becoming the player's Partner (stored in string [#]).
Each character will have different criteria to advance through the general framework, to eventually approach the player/be approached for Partner status.
Basic Character Tier Chat
Partner Chat: Only when partnered (s[PlayerPartner] = character name)
Max Chat: Greater or Equal to v[FriendThreshold2]
Mid Chat: Greater than or equal to v[FriendThreshold1]
Basic Chat: Less than v[FriendThreshold1]
Special Actions
Hanging Out
- Characters can be added to party (“hanging out”) at greater or equal to v[FriendThreshold1].
Tate McGillicutty
Tate is an A/V nerd with a nervous demeanor and a daaaaark secret. How dark? Let's find out! (He has an Eldritch horror living inside him, Jekyll/Hyde style, hell-bent on destroying the world, which Tate has a strained relationship with).
Tate's the most traditional of all the characters in terms of romance: He needs to get to know you, be asked out, be kissed, then be comfortable enough to sleep with you before he'll feel an attachment to the player.
Story/Stat Basics
- Major: A/V
- Year: Junior
- Base Location: A/V room (day), Set (night)
Advancing through the Tate Romance
Tate needs to hit a baseline of v[FriendThreshold1] to be able to be kissed by the player.
When Tate hits X# of kisses, he'll ask the Player on a Date.
The Player also unlocks the ability to ask Tate to come upstairs when walked home (if the player has Kissed Tate at least 2x).
Basic Variables:
v[TateHydeEncountered] (Yes or No)
Being Walked Home
When Tate walks the Player home:
- v[TateLocation] is set to ?????
- Sprite follows/leads Player to dorm;
- When e[TransportDorm] is touched by player, scenario pops up:
- Player has choice to Leave, Kiss, or Invite Up
- Leave: Exits scenario
- Kiss: Adds +1 to v[TateKissCount], exits scenario
- Invite Up:
- Only unlocks if v[FriendThreshold]-1 is hit, & v[TateKissCount]=3 or higher
- Triggers e[TateSex] event in Dorm
- Exits scenario
- After Player choice above is made, the scenario ends and v[TateLocation] is set to 0.
Tate Dates
Tate has a selection of Dates depending on the context:
- Trigger: If Tate is talked to about movies, & if the Player hits the Date threshold
If the Player doesn't hit any of the optional criteria for date choices & the Date threshold is hit, the game rolls for a random date out of the above list.
After each date, the Player has the choice to have Tate walk them to their dorm.
Tate Sexytime
Tate has a standard 3-stage roll-based sexytime, but has a chance of spawning TateHyde if overloaded (final cum# any amount over cum trigger threshold).
TateSex is a mobile event:
- 3 tiers
- Choices made at each tier +/- CumPoints
- When X# CumPoints threshold is hit, roll for finish
- If the # of CumPoints exceeds the cum threshold by X#, roll for TateHyde (1 in 3, 33%).
- If TateHyde is hit, skip Finish and go straight to TateHyde event.
- Finish roll = 2 in 3 (66%)
- On Finish: Cutscene, ask for Reset or End Event
- Reset: Resets tiers to 1 (effective restart)
- End Event: Cutscene, deletes/ends event
If TateHyde has been activated for the first time, Tate's ability to have sex is paused until the quest is accepted or rejected.
Asking Out
- TatePoints greater or equal to v[FriendThreshold1]
- TateSexCount greater or equal to 3
Romance Storyline: Big Bad Wolf
If you overload Tate (max out X# over his cum threshold) there's a 1 in 3 (33%) chance to trigger Tate's Romance Storyline quest, “Tate Hyde”.
- Tate encounters/confronts you about the HulkTate situation, if HulkTate is triggered, and you can either Accept or Reject HulkTate.
- Rejecting also lets you break up / stop hooking up with Tate.
- Whether or not you accept HulkTate, you can still trigger the quest.
- Tate starts freaking out on Parent's Day when he finds out that his dad and sister showed up to find him.
- You can help Tate with this any way you like:
- Later, Tate finds out from his sister that his dad never stopped his Evil Ways. Asking for your help, you can choose to go with Tate back to his home to confront his dad.
- Going to Tate's childhood home, you meet his dad, who, as it turns out, ALSO has a demon of his own that he turns into!! The quest can end in several ways:
- You and Tate kick his dad's ass.
- You talk Tate into leaving his family alone.
- You talk Tate into leaving his family alone, but bringing his sister along.
- You berate Tate's dad so hard he shrivels up into a tiny raisin, but he's still a shithead. It makes Tate feel a lot better, though.
- You're a shithead and let Tate's dad beat him up.
- This results in Tate breaking up with you and being permanently undateable afterwards.
- You find the source of Tate's dad's demon curse (it's hereditary), then:
- Kick his dad's ass (see result A).
- Berate him (see result D).
- Try to solve it, but Tate concedes he can't - and it shouldn't be his problem. (You can then do Results A-E).
- Try to solve it, and conduct an exorcism - but Tate's dad is still a shithead. (You can then do Results A-E).
Laila Velasquez
Laila is extremely hard to impress, and you'll have to hit a high Friend threshold, impress her, take her out on a date, and THEN either try to kiss or be kissed by Laila. If Laila is suitably impressed at any point during this process, she'll activate her sexytime layer (a ranked BDSM experience).
Story/Stat Basics
- Major: Final Girl Studies
- Year: Sophomore
- Base Location: ?, Rich Girl Sorority (night)
Asking Out
- LailaPoints greater or equal to v[FriendThreshold2]
- Max Out whichever major you're in
Romance Storyline: Romancing the Brimstone
Laila's entire family shows up and SURPRISE! They're actually really supportive! Laila finds them annoying, but it's clear she has a soft spot for them.
In that case... where do Laila's trust issues come from??
Hexecutioner Jones-MacDuff
Hex is your typical himbo who's quick to jump at hooking up/sleeping with you, but his attitude towards casual sex is balanced out by his trepidation when it comes to traditional relationships - he's never been in one! Hex has the “naive in love but not in the sheets” thing going hard.
Story/Stat Basics
- Major: Undeclared
- Year: Sophomore
- Base Location: DIK house (day), DIK house (night)
Extra Layer: BDSM Hex
During normal sex sessions Hex has a chance on player selection of correct moves to activate the trigger for Hex's second sexytime level: BDSM Hex! This replaces original/vanilla Hex time.
*Player is approached by Hex when trigger is activated to choose to go to BDSM level.
>If Rejected, Hex returns to Original level (no hard feelings)
*There should be an option to go back to Original at any time if BDSM Hex is activated.
*Full Romance storyline Hex can only be activated with BDSM Hex active.
Asking Out
- HexPoints greater or equal to v[FriendThreshold2]
- HexSexCount greater or equal to 3, OR, HexHardSexCount greater or equal to 1
- Romance Storyline completed (see below)
Romance Storyline: Meet the Parents
At the point where the Player qualifies to become Hex's partner, but HASN'T yet, Hex's Romance storyline activates.
Hex starts flipping out because his notorious dads are coming to visit for Parents' Weekend.
It's up to the player to emotionally support Hex through this trying time!
During each Romance Storyline quest for each character, the school goes through “Parents Weekend” with different events going on for the characters you're not dating.
- On activate: Hex comes running to you worrying about Parents' Weekend
- Player Choice: “Hell yeah I got your back”, “Deal w/ your parents on your own” (rejects quest, sends Hex to Breakup Level)
- Player then has to help Hex impress his incredibly picky parents, through several quest stages.
- Pass/Failing a stage marks it as Pass/Fail.
- Completing the 3 stages will unlock Hex as a boyfriend, no matter the Pass/Fail.
- The Pass/Fail ratio affects the ending of this quest.
- STAGE 1: Fancy Dinner
- STAGE 2: Helping Hex show his parents he's actually great at murder
- STAGE 3: Help Hex successfully lie that he's somehow on the campus lacrosse team
- Endings:
- 3/3: Hex is extremely impressed and you've totally tamed the Masked Murderer and he's your total lapdog. Nice one!
- 2/3: Hex laments how close you got, but his parents know he's a liar, anyway. He's super worried, and you can totally comfort him that he doesn't need their approval.
- 1/3: Hex laments that he KNEW this was a bad idea, and should've come clean about his parents from the start. All this has totally brought you closer together AND helped Hex understand himself, though!
- 0/3: Even though everything's a bust, Hex is actually really grateful you helped him reveal his true self to his parents. He feels totally real and safe with you! Nice!
- At the end of the quest, Hex asks you if you wanna go steady, and you can say:
- Yes (exclusive)
- Yes (non-exclusive)
- No (back to being friends, no hard feelings, yall can still bang)
Juno Ju-On
Juno is the most traditionally “romantic” of the main four relationships. Though Laila's is hard to get, Juno's relies mostly on feelings and a genuine sense of getting to know someone, with the sex being secondary (and often entirely optional).
Story/Stat Basics
- Major: A/V
- Year: Sophomore
- Base Location: DIK house (day), DIK house (night)
Asking Out
- JunoPoints greater or equal to v[FriendThreshold2]
Romance Storyline: Home is Where the Heart Stops
- When Partnered
- If Juno has been asked about her mom (story flag)
- Juno reveals that her family's not coming on parent's weekend after all (something she was really excited about).... Because.... Her mom's died. Yeah - her MOM. Died. Which means she wasn't a ghost... she was a live human!
- Juno asks you to come back to her home town with her to visit her mom's grave and see, well, you know, if there's a ghost to be had.
- Juno's hometown has several small quests which let you get to know her and her family.
- Finally, you can take Juno up to cemetery hill, where you hang out, talk, and wait til the sun comes up.... No mom. No ghost.
- Juno concedes that she might never know her mom, and that's okay. She's glad everyone in town got to know her. (Reactive scene based on what Player has learned in the town).
At the end, Juno:
- If Player has had the “love” conversation, she'll concede that she really DOES love Player.
- If Player hasn't had the love conversation, Juno finds it in herself to grudgingly admit that she has really strong feelings for the player, which might even qualify as love. (It does.)
Bonus Interactable/Hidden Content Romanceable Characters:
Headless Horsemike
If your Campus Fame is high enough, you unlock a chance at impressing/dating Headless Horsemike.
Characters I haven't decided if they're gonna be romanceable yet:
Sawyer Ferguson
Law student and DIK resident, Sawyer's definitely the most responsible guy at the house.
[Cap of the Football Team]
Secretly Bursar Killington's son, [Chad Footballington] is, typically, Captain of the Football Team, and occasionally shows up to foil the main gang's attempts at discovering Killington's plans.
Breakup Level
If the Player does something unforgivable to the character, they enter Breakup Level.
They can talk their way out of it, but each choice is dependent on the player's actions and the reasons for the breakup.
- When Breakup Level is triggered, set v[BreakupLevel] to 1
- When v[BreakupLevel]=1, a Breakup Conversation is initiated (contextual based on what triggered the Breakup Level).
- If Breakup Level ends in a breakup:
- Set s[PlayerPartner] to blank;
- Set v[BreakupLevel] to 0;
- Dock Player for a bunch of CharacterPoints.
- Player is effectively no longer “dating” Character.
- Any Date Counters reset to 0.
- Any Sex Counters reset to 0.
- Any Kiss Counters reset to 0.
- If Breakup Level doesn't end in a breakup:
- Set v[BreakupLevel] to 0.
Reactive World Stuff
Party members react when in party
Convenience Store
- Roll X for appearance of characters in store.
- 2-branch mini convo, +1 CharPoints per.
Night Orbs
A collection of # Time Orbs. Touching each one in sequence unlocks the next one permanently.
See Activation.
Food Delivery
Tate's Shrooms
Find out via convo.
Tate can offer them to you if convo flagged & friendship high enough.
Sell Tate's shrooms to DIK drug dealer
Special Items
DIK Tank Top
- Gets you into every DIK party for free.
- People may mistake you for a member of DIK.
Cultist Robe
- Disguises you as a cultist.